Sunday, January 28, 2007

Caffeinated Donuts

A North Carolina scientist has invented caffeinated donuts: each donut contains the equivalent of two cups of coffee.

So, just four donuts would equal a Starbucks Venti coffee.


The inventor sees it as the multi-tasking equivalent to donuts' most devout customer: the policeman. "We ask our policemen to both serve and to protect. Shouldn't their snack food both stimulate and fatten at once?"

Said a police officer at the local Dunky's: "Sarge better not use this to cut our break time in half."


Starbucks said it doesn't view the caffeinated donut as a substitute for coffee: "Our research shows that the #1 reason consumers purchase our coffee is for the 'As I See It' series printed on Starbucks cups. ..... The #2 reason is to avoid saving."

(for Lenos)
Aren't we getting lazy in this country? We can't even dunk our donuts in coffee anymore.......


Anonymous said...

Stimulate and fatten, yes.

How 'bout:
Dr. Bohannen will now turn his attention to the Holy Grail of breakfast foods: an egg with a bacon-ey yolk.

Or maybe:
a grapefruit filled with syrup.

or some such.

MPH said...

yes, Matt C, you're on a roll! a breakfast roll....