Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Ash Wednesday

Friends, for Lent, this morning I gave up my seat on the bus, to a harried yuppie woman with two very large ("ultra") bags. (I couldn't guess what the bags contained...anvil, sledgehammer?)

After deliberation during the day, I have decided to give up posting to this blog, at least until Easter. FYI: It boggles my mind just how unpopular this blog is... not from a quality/hype perspective, but from search. I mean, really: 5 visitors? On a recent typical day I had one visit from China, one from Arizona, one from England, one from Michigan, and then my friend in Virginia... How is that mathematically possible? Zero would be easier to understand. What kind of multiple / equation computes to '5?' How does Google search generate a single hit?
There are a billion web users! Oh gosh. It's not my ego that's been bruised; it's my grasp for numbers. So... while I still have my looks and live near NYC, I am going to shut off the brain, and start getting serious about modeling.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Matt, after giving this some thought, my suggestion is that you re-tool TJD into a political blog covering the next presidential election with your "man-on-the-street" point of view. I think that would be a big hit!