Monday, October 23, 2006

Iraq Deputy Premier Asks Allied Troops to Stay

Iraq's deputy prime minister, meeting with British officials in London, said coalition troops must stay in Iraq and resist the urge to "cut and run."

He said the meetings in England were going very well, and he'll have to stay extra days or maybe weeks to see these issues through:

"You know how it is when discussing great issues, sometimes it takes months, years. Rome was not built in a day." He then asked how long it did take Rome to be built, answered himself with "many decades," and then announced that he was willing to sacrifice 30 years residing in London, in order to advance Iraq's stability. "Maybe Iraq will never be safe, and I never go back..."

1 comment:

Sicka You said...

Good to see he's so willing to sacrifice for the cause. This news has got to make our boys and girls fighting over there feel better about protecting the leaders. I'm feeling pretty warm inside just reading this news. Sorry, that's just more bile and disgust.